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Unique Stained Glass Art at Washington National Cathedral: A Photo Workshop

Learn the history of the unique stained-glass windows in the National Cathedral and how to photograph them to create beautiful works of art!

Quick Details


Discover and learn how to capture the radiant light, colors, texture of the unique stained windows of the Washington National Cathedral, the stories behind the windows, and the artists who created them. The workshop will start with the life and story of Rowan LeCompte and the creation of the magnificent West Rose, and the 18 Clerestory windows in the Nave. After this, the photo tour will focus on a selection of beautiful windows on the Main Arcade of the Nave, including the famous “Space” window by Rodney Winfield and a few hidden gems by Brenda Belfield in the Northwest Tower. This special tour provides a history lesson on the details that went into creating each of these windows, the story of the artists, the iconography of the windows, and how to photograph each of these windows to bring out the splendor of the colors and luminosity of the stained glass.

Here is what one safarian had to say about the safari:

Always enjoy these photo safaris – great mix of information about the subjects and photography guidance. Small groups so everyone gets the attention they need on photography. Highly recommend.   Tracy M., Washington, D.C.

The fee includes a donation to the National Cathedral.